Accelerated Online Degree Programs

You can accelerate your degree completion with a Bellevue University cohort degree. Accelerated online degree programs may be perfect for working adults returning to school, because we understand your challenges in managing both your time and your money. When you have earned an Associate Degree, you're ready to advance into one of over 25 in-demand cohort bachelor degree programs including majors in the computer sciences, business, criminal justice, psychology, and healthcare.

What are the Benefits of a Cohort?

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Save time and money.

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Team up with fellow cohort members for support.

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Learn anywhere, anytime, online or in-class.

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Focus on one to two courses at a time.*

*Schedules vary between cohort majors.

How do cohort programs work?

When you enroll in an accelerated cohort degree program, you join a group of classmates pursuing the same degree track. You’ll advance through your entire major course-by-course with the same community of peers in a highly interactive learning environment, so all members of the cohort benefit from the real-world experiences and diverse perspectives within the group.

You only need to register for your cohort major courses once. You'll move right on from one course to the next with short breaks between sessions with no need to re-register. Your student coach/advisor will check in with you on a regular basis to make sure you’re on track to graduate.

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